To accompany concentration or conversation. Winston was a master of both: overseeing an empire, inspiring the key people around him and still finding the energy to fill pages of history after everyone had gone to bed. Whatever the task, whatever the hour, he knew the right cigar can be a trusted companion. So the cigars which carry his name echo his character.
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For Shorter moments of contemplation when the sun goes down
Davidoff’s blenders have mastered the challenge of blending a small format medium-filler cigar offering the same complexity and balance as a multi-faceted as the great aficionado’s character. This Petit Panetela is dressed in a beautifully dark and oily Ecuador wrapper adding intensity to the smoke. Delighting the palate with multiple layers of fresh spice leather and oak wood. Packaged in a practical and characteristic dark brown metal tin of five cigars, each adorned with the striking silhouette of the iconic leader.
今すぐ購入For Shorter moments of contemplation when the sun goes down
Davidoff’s blenders have mastered the challenge of blending a small format medium-filler cigar offering the same complexity and balance as a multi-faceted as the great aficionado’s character. This Petit Panetela is dressed in a beautifully dark and oily Ecuador wrapper adding intensity to the smoke. Delighting the palate with multiple layers of fresh spice leather and oak wood. Packaged in a practical and characteristic dark brown metal tin of five cigars, each adorned with the striking silhouette of the iconic leader.
Every 30 seconds, an aficionado somewhere in the world enjoys a Davidoff Signature 2000, as its creamy and sophisticated flavours make it the perfect cigar for every occasion.
LEARN MOREgrand cru
Davidoff Grand Cru is a sophisticated blend using the finest tobacco leaves from carefully selected terroirs; a selection process similar to that of wine-making.
shop nowaniversario
Launched on Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday in 1986. Still today, Aniversario with its medium intensity and irresistibly creamy finish offers the ideal cigars to fill special times beautifully.
shop nowmillennium
It took the Master Blenders 300 trials before they declared number 151 as the one reaching their demanding standards. Hybrid 151 grows in a unique micro-climate area in Ecuador.
shop now«オリジナルシリーズ»
Davidoff Winston Churchill «The Original Series» cigars are wrapped in a beautiful shiny and oily wrapper with a slight reddish touch. This complex multi-origin blend delights with creamy notes and flavours of fresh spice and black coffee. A medium to full-bodied intensity making this the perfect choice for every aficionado in seek for rich flavours without too much intensity.
To accompany this complex and multi-faceted blend with its creamy notes and fresh flavours, a mild, elegant and malty whisky from the Highlands or Speyside would be perfect companion. Delighting with its sweeter and elegant notes with an underlying oak creaminess. This series would also pair well with an Earl Grey tea with its distinctive floral and fruitiness.
ウィンストン・チャーチル - レイトアワーには、最高級のスコッチシングルモルトウイスキー樽で6か月熟成されたタバコが含まれています。これは誰も試みたことのない偉業です。この高評価のシリーズは、ユニークな複雑さ、深み、思い出に残る強い味わいがあり、酔いしれるようなフレーバーで満ちており、味覚と会話を同時に刺激してくれます。
ウィンストン・チャーチル - レイトアワーには、最高級のスコッチシングルモルトウイスキー樽で6か月熟成されたタバコが含まれています。これは誰も試みたことのない偉業です。この高評価のシリーズは、ユニークな複雑さ、深み、思い出に残る強い味わいがあり、酔いしれるようなフレーバーで満ちており、味覚と会話を同時に刺激してくれます。
As the filler tobaccos was aged in the finest single malt Scotch whisky casks, the pairing needs to be rich and complex in taste to harmonise with the elaborate character of «The Late Hour Series». Ideally a heavy and spicy rum that’s not overly sweet or a whisky that is nor too peaty or smoky but rich and indulgent in aroma and taste.
Every 30 seconds, an aficionado somewhere in the world enjoys a Davidoff Signature 2000, as its creamy and sophisticated flavours make it the perfect cigar for every occasion.
LEARN MOREgrand cru
Davidoff Grand Cru is a sophisticated blend using the finest tobacco leaves from carefully selected terroirs; a selection process similar to that of wine-making.
shop nowaniversario
Launched on Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday in 1986. Still today, Aniversario with its medium intensity and irresistibly creamy finish offers the ideal cigars to fill special times beautifully.
shop nowmillennium
It took the Master Blenders 300 trials before they declared number 151 as the one reaching their demanding standards. Hybrid 151 grows in a unique micro-climate area in Ecuador.
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