Montecristo Línea 1935 x Davidoff Bundle
When rich heritage from the King of Cuban cigars fuses with the refined elegance of the crown jewel of the New World. Both Montecristo and Davidoff stand as timeless symbols of craftsmanship, luxury and tradition. This extraordinary bundle presents enthusiasts with an unmatched journey through the finest cigars from the two iconic brands.
This selection celebrates the richness and complexity of both worlds featuring tobacco leaves from the premium region of Vuelta Abajo in Cuba and the prized fields of Nicaragua, and Dominican Republic. Showcasing a wide range of flavours and characteristics from both brands as a result from impeccable craftsmanship and commitment to quality.
Experience this marriage of mastery ensuring a dynamic range of flavours and strengths to cater for every cigar enthusiast. Whether you’re savouring the bold and robust character of Montecristo of the sophistication of Davidoff, this bundle will take you to new realms of enjoyment.
4 x Montecristo Línea 1935 Series Dumas ( 5⅛" x 49 RG)
4 x Davidoff Signature Toro ( 6" x 54 RG )
4 x Davidoff Nicaragua Toro ( 5½" x 54 RG )