nextCIGAR Journal
From our deepest insights to the latest releases in the world of the luxurious enjoyment, tune in for a good read.
Vintage Cigars: A Collector's Guide. Exploring the world of rare and valuable aged cigars.
Vintage cigars age like fine wine. For the discerning collector, the date on a Habano is a significant detail. Like...
Oktoberfest: A Flavourful Pairing of Beer and Cigars
Oktoberfest, a beloved Bavarian tradition, is synonymous with hearty food, festive music, and, of course, copious amounts of beer. While...
A New World of Flavour: Honduras and Nicaragua Cigar Renaissance
Beyond Cuba, the world of cigars offers a diverse range of flavours and aromas. Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras...
Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas x World Pinot Noir Day
Happy World Pinot Noir Day! Nothing like a deep dive into the perfect pairing for this elegant and complex...
The Science of Cigar Aging: A Complex Transformation
Cigar ageing is a fascinating process involving a delicate interplay of chemical and physical changes. While often shrouded in mystique,...
World Chocolate Day - Cigar and Chocolate Pairing
While a well-crafted cigar offers a complete flavour experience on its own, with enticing notes of leather, spice, and nuttiness,...
From Humble Box to Flavour Guardian: The Untold Story of the Humidor
Cigar culture is more than just a puff and a sigh. It's a living history, woven into the fabric of...
Unwrap the Flavour: Your Guide to Cigar Wrappers
Cigars aren't just about different shapes and sizes. The impressive spectrum of wrapper colours and their unique flavours are the...