nextCIGAR Journal
From our deepest insights to the latest releases in the world of the luxurious enjoyment, tune in for a good read.
How to light a cigar & Choose the suitable lighter
Lighting a cigar properly is one of the many essential skills any cigar aficionado must have. Cutting and lighting the cigar...
Last Episode: How to taste a cigar?
nextCIGAR is honoured to present the “The Complete Cigar Guide” video collection with Davidoff. In this collaboration, we will...
How to cut & light your cigars | The Complete Cigar Guide with Davidoff London
In this episode, our gentlemen, Mr Edward & Eddie Sahakian, will walk you through different types of cigar cutters and...
4 easy tips to step up your connoisseurship of cigar
Do you remember your last cigar? Can you elaborate on its aroma? Cigars are getting more common among gents...
How To Store Your Cigars | The Complete Cigar Guide with Davidoff London
nextCIGAR is honoured to present the “The Complete Cigar Guide” video collection with Davidoff. In this collaboration, we will demonstrate...
Cigar Choosing Guide: Honduran vs Nicaragua vs Dominican Cigars
With premium quality and innovative blending, cigars made from the above regions are often alternatives to Cuban Cigars, as Cuban...
The Everlasting Champions - Cognac & Cigar
Cognac and cigar always stand next to each other, side by side. This magical pairing has won the heart of...
《The Complete Cigar Guide》- The Considerations about selecting a cigar
nextCIGAR is honoured to present the “The Complete Cigar Guide” video collection with Davidoff. In this collaboration, we will...