Vintage cigars age like fine wine. For the discerning collector, the date on a Habano is a significant detail. Like a seasoned wine connoisseur, they understand that age can dramatically impact the cigar's flavour and aroma. This allure, coupled with their historical significance and potential investment value, has made them a sought-after commodity for collectors worldwide.
What Makes a Cigar "Vintage"?
The term "vintage cigar" is loosely defined, with opinions varying on the ideal ageing period. While some aficionados prefer five years, others advocate for ten. Contrary to the notion of a one-off classic, vintage cigars are primarily about quality and rarity. Successful ageing requires specific conditions, including lower temperature and humidity. By maintaining these conditions in a high-quality humidor, you can curate your own collection of vintage cigars.
Why Collect Vintage Cigars?
- Investment Potential: Like fine art or rare wines, vintage cigars can appreciate significantly in value, especially limited editions and rare releases.
- Flavour Experience: Aged cigars offer a unique and refined smoking experience, with complex flavours and aromas that develop over time.
- Historical Significance: Vintage cigars can be a tangible connection to the past, offering a glimpse into the history of cigar-making and smoking culture.
Factors Affecting a Cigar's Value
Several factors contribute to the value of a vintage cigar:
- Brand Reputation: Renowned brands like Cohiba, Montecristo, and Davidoff command higher prices.
- Age and Condition: Older cigars, especially those stored under optimal conditions, are more valuable.
- Rarity and Limited Editions: Rare releases and limited editions are highly sought-after by collectors, like the Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111
- Box Condition: The original box, especially if it's in pristine condition, can significantly increase a cigar's value. For example, the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 (2011 Vintage)
- Provenance: A clear and documented history of ownership can add to a cigar's value.
How to Store Vintage Cigars
Proper storage is crucial to preserve the quality and value of vintage cigars:
- Humidor: A high-quality humidor is essential for maintaining optimal humidity levels (around 70%) and temperature.
- Temperature Control: Keep the humidor in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. This slows the maturation process, reducing nicotine content, mellowing the strength, and evolving the flavour profile.
- Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to prevent mould and mildew.
- Rotation: Regularly rotate your cigars to ensure even ageing.
- Avoid Exposure to Odours: Keep the humidor away from strong-smelling substances like perfumes, cleaning products, or food.
How to enjoy a vintage cigar?
Similar to savouring a fine wine, an aged Havana should be sipped gently, allowing for slow and gentle exhalations to fully appreciate the nuanced flavours. This distinct smoking experience differs significantly from that of a recently produced cigar, much like the contrast between a 1990 Champagne and an NV Champagne. While it appeals to many cigar enthusiasts, it may not be suitable for all palates.
Building a Vintage Cigar Collection
To start your vintage cigar collection, consider the following tips:
- Do Your Research: Learn about different brands, regions, and historical releases.
- Start Small: Begin with a few high-quality vintage cigars to build your knowledge and taste.
- Seek Expert Advice: Consult with experienced cigar collectors or dealers to get guidance on purchasing and storing vintage cigars.
- Join Communities: Connect with other collectors to share knowledge, source rare cigars, and learn about investment opportunities.
- Diversify Your Collection: Consider collecting cigars from different eras, regions, and brands to create a well-rounded collection.
By following these guidelines and nurturing your passion for vintage cigars, you can build a valuable and enjoyable collection that will appreciate over time.
Check out our Vintage Collection here.